We mourn the deaths of Etienne de Harven, who died in March and of Kary B. Mullis, who died in July of this year, 2019.

Both of them clearly denied that the HI-retrovirus, postulated by Luc  Montagnier, Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, Jean Claude Chermann and Robert Gallo in 1984 could be be the cause of the Acquired Human Immune  Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), defined by more than 30 endemic infectious diseases plus 30 disease conditions after a positive result in HIV-testing.

Etienne de Harven, who did important research on retroviruses by means of electron-microscopy at the Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Centre in New York, explained in his publications and at conferences, that the alleged HIV had never been purified and characterized as a retrovirus according to scientific rules and that it could therefore not be the cause of AIDS-defining diseases, whereas Kary B. Mullis, who innovated the PCR-method and created the PCR-testing, used to measure the so-called HI-viral load, repeatedly stated that the postulated Hi-virus cannot be the cause of the "Acquired the immune deficiency-Syndrome".

For both of them, it was very clear, that there must be other causes for an ongoing immune deficiency and the severe course of endemic infections. A view, which was supported over the years by various scientists such Eleni Papadoulos (Perth Group) and many others.

As we have demonstrated based on the works of MDs Heinrich Kremer und Prof. Alfred Hässig and a large number of published scientific studies, damage to the mitochondria and its DNA by antibiotics and environmental toxins induces an ongoing immune deficiency and a decline in T-4 helper cells and T-4 bystander cells, that weakens the defence against parasitic, bacterial, viral and fungal infections.

Whilst the AIDS-establishment and the WHO want to fight the AIDS defining diseases by "anti-retroviral" substances including PreP and PEP, which have antibacterial, antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-fungal effects, but also irreversible side effects on the heart, the brain, the neuronal system, the liver, the kidney, the blood and the gut and cause inheritable damage to the mitochondrial DNA, we have to look again into the real causes of immune deficiencies and AIDS defining diseases. Enforced by the works of Etienne de Harven and Kary B. Mullis we will soon underline this understanding by new findings on the effects of damaged mitochondria on T-4 bystander cells and cell death mechanisms such as pyroptosis, which play a crucial role in the defence against  viral, bacterial and fungal infections.

— Felix de Fries, September 2019



Etienne de Harven: Measuring "Viral load" does not prove the existence of a hypothetical HIV


Etienne de Harven : Voir le SIDA autrement Interview (Video 2012)


Questioning the HIV-AIDS hypothesis: 30 years of dissent


Requiem for Kary B. Mullis : A Lament for a life that saved many.
